I’m sure you’ve noticed that with spring showers, flowers, and lush green grass, there appears to be a fine crop of those welcome orange hazard road cones that warn us that road construction season is well under way! Even more hazardous is the continuing rise of mis-information and the flagrant re-writing of our America’s Godly heritage, leaving a greater hazard before us. The multi-generational vacuum of historical truth!
Benjamin Rush, who signed The Declaration of Independence and ratified the Constitution, gives us a glimpse into the worldview our founding fathers were guided. “The only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government is the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effective means of limiting Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind that it was improper to read the Bible at schools.” Critically speaking, that makes sense!
Don Feder, columnist with The Washington Times writes, “Where the mission of public education was once to create a sense of solidarity among a diverse population, today it promotes ignorance, skepticism, and fragmentation. Only 32% of Americans know the three branches of government, and one-third can’t name a single right protected by the First Amendment.
Schools are too busy indoctrinating to educate. Popular tools of brainwashing include Marxist Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States,” published in 1980, which teaches that America is based on genocide, suppression, and exploitation. When he was a political science professor at Boston University during the Vietnam War, campus conservatives, of which I was one, called him Ho Chi Zinn.
Critical race theory is enshrined in our schools. Over 3,500 high schools use a 100-page magazine supplement in the 1619 Project book, which proclaims that racism and White supremacy are woven into the fabric of America. The state functionaries who mold the minds of our children agree. In 2021, the 3-million-member National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, reiterated its support for CRT and the 1619 Project in the face of a growing parental backlash.”
I am convinced that critical race theory is morally inaccurate. Ben Carson, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 to 2021 and founder of the American Cornerstone Institute shared, “As we continue to be bombarded by racially charged narratives, there has been a subtle shift in the conversation: Its focus has moved from equality to equity. That is, instead of pursuing the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ideal of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, equity would reward and punish people because of the color of their skin. Rather than equality of opportunity, equity would mandate equality of outcome... Instead of treating people only as representatives of larger groups, let’s get back to treating people as individuals. Instead of tearing down institutions, let’s work together to make them better. Together we must strive for a more perfect union in which people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.”
My friend Ken Blackwell, Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at Family Research Council said that critical race theory (CRT) is based on flawed and destructive assumptions. Its actual purpose is the complete opposite of its stated intent. Its leftist creators in academia and media claim it encourages racial understanding. The truth is that its cynical methodology further divides us when racial understanding and acceptance is key to our survival as the freest nation on Earth.”
Critical race theory is also filled with historical inaccuracies. The 1619 Project is a New York Timesfort aimed at reshaping the history of America. Its primary goal appears to be the tarnishing and tainting our Godly heritage to a greater degree than our present academics and textbooks seek to accomplish. This effort is facilitated using A People’s History of the United States, by author Howard Zinn and is sadly making inroads into classrooms throughout the country. It is another voice perpetuating the myth that America is evil, that it was born with evil principles and that the things that presumably you would celebrate in America shouldn’t be celebrated.
Tom Tancredo writes, “The abandonment of America’s unique character begins with the loss of historical memory, which is why the subversive rewriting of American history has been the first priority of leftist ideologues for over a hundred years.” As Victor David Hanson observes, "Destroying history will not make you feel good about the present... Learning from it might." The good news as I see it is that God has always used a remnant of believers to change the course of history. May the hand of God’s blessing and the faithfulness those who serve him bring a blessed and hazard free future!