As far back as I can remember, the grand old party was steadfast in its defense and clarity on the issue of the sanctity of human life. It is what, for many Christian conservative Americans you would call a non-negotiable. Not because of the rigidity of our political moorings, but because we believe that the word of God is clear and speaks with all authority on the issue of life. You see, if that is not first in our political priorities, then nothing else need be considered. If life is not considered sacred from conception until death, then the very scriptures upon which our government was founded becomes damaged beyond repair.
In a speech given at the 2024 Lincoln Day Dinner in Muskegon County, Michigan on May 21, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said, “The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning. In his last speech before his death on April 11, 1865, Abraham Lincoln said, “Important principles may and must be inflexible.” Please don’t mistake my words as partisan. Advocates for the sanctity of human life want all political parties to embrace what our Founders declared as the first among the rights with which we are endowed by our Creator. On this, we are and must be inflexible.”
It was Francis Schaeffer who believed that mass abortion was simply the outworking of a revived hedonistic attitude which put a person’s happiness above a sacred respect for human life... In the final analysis, he wrote, abortion is an all-out attack on the precious image of God which is made known through humankind. “The unborn child is a human being created in the image of God, and to deny this is to deny the authority of the Bible.
As Georgie Boorman of the Federalist observed recently, “the world has witnessed godless regimes that have devalued and destroyed life at will all the while American culture has historically stood in stark contrast against this backdrop of death and misery. It’s not because we Americans are inherently better than any other people group. It is because this nation was founded on Christian principles, namely that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights. First among those rights is life... What we are seeing now is a return to a world that does not know God and does not want to know God.”
Tony continues, “What are we to think when Republican leaders suggest reconsidering the party’s stance on the sanctity of human life, on constitutional protection for the unborn, and on a commitment that has lasted over half a century? That the Republican Platform, for the first time in half a century, may sound a retreat on this core principle? In such a situation, the alarm cannot be sounded too soon or too loud. We, champions of the God-given right to life, are under no illusions. The ravages of the Sexual Revolution are all around us. Today, we even debate whether mutilating the bodies of children in vain attempts to change their sex is a good thing. Shame on us. Under these circumstances, standing for the sanctity of each and every human life is hard. But,“Important principles may and must be inflexible.”
Let’s rededicate ourselves to this battle for true freedom — the freedom that celebrates life and refuses to destroy it. Over the next two months, this battle will play out over a single document, the national Republican Platform, but its object and prize are the soul of a nation. Let’s stir the spirit of the American people, of every party and persuasion, to rediscover the gift of life and our duty to uphold it in every sphere. My friends, we must be inflexible on this important principle of the sanctity of human life — the future depends upon it.
We will most likely always have differences about many things but when it comes to the issue of life and the sanctity of human life, there is and cannot be the discussion or position of compromise. God said through Moses, I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore, choose life, that you and your offspring may live…” As Christians and as Americans, we must choose life as well!
I believe the old saying “the fruit of our lives grows on the trees of others!” The seeds you and I sow will grow to maturity and a harvest. This is true of any harvest... You always glean exactly what you sow. You can’t plant beans and harvest watermelon! You always glean more than you sow. It only takes two kernels of corn to raise up strong stalks bearing ears filled with thousands of kernels! Paul wrote to the church at Galatia and said, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.” The stand for life, is a stand we must take!